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Saturday June 12, 2021
Catherine Schweinsberg Rood Central Library

308 Forrest Ave, Cocoa, FL 32922

Annual Meeting - 10:00am to 12:00pm

Awards Presentation - 1:00pm to 3:30pm

ANNUAL MEETING 10:00am to 12:00pm

  • Reports

  • Committees

  • Awards

  • Budget

  • Amendment Change

  • Election of Officers

NOTE: Voting will be done by Space Coast USBC Card Members for the 2020-2021 season

Sign up here if attending meeting.


AWARDS PRESENTATION - 1:00pm to 3:30pm

The following are the proposal changes to be presented at the meeting to be voted on.

Proposed amendment is to do away with Presidential term limits.

Section D. Term

Present rule read as:

The term for Directors is 2 years. The number of years in a term, the
number of terms allowed. And a stagger system are determined by the board,
adult members and youth representatives. Insert stagger system here:

Seven (7) directors elected each year for two (2) years with no term limit. Two (2)
Vice Presidents elected for two (2) years with no term limit. President elected for
two (2) years not exceed two (2) consecutive terms. (May be re-elected after
minimum one (1) year in service)


Change the above to:

The term for Directors is 2 years. The number of years in a term, the
number of terms allowed. And a stagger system are determined by the board,
adult members and youth representatives. Insert stagger system here:


Seven (7) directors elected each year for two (2) years with no term limit. Two (2)
Vice Presidents elected for two (2) years with no term limit. President elected for
two (2) years with no term limit.



With the downsizing of the bowling population it’s getting harder to find volunteers to
the board. We feel that doing away with term limits will help keep a stable and actively
function board.


Presented by Space Coast Bowling Association

Recommend adoption by the Space Coast Bowling Association.



Proposed amendment is to reduce the number for a quorum.


Section B. Board Meeting

1. Quorum. 9 board members constitute a quorum. The board, adult
members and youth representatives determine the number.(Must be a
number and not a percentage.)
Change the above to:


2. Quorum. 7 board members constitute a quorum. The board, adult
members and youth representatives determine the number.(Must be a
number and not a percentage.)



With trying to find volunteers and schedule meetings around everyone’s
schedule it gets increasingly harder to find a time that meets everyone’s
schedule. This will ensure that the board can take care of the business it
needs to, which is taking care of the Space Coast Bowling community.


Presented by Space Coast Bowling Association

Recommend adoption by the Space Coast Bowling Association.



The following SCUSBCBA Officers are up for Election. 

This is for a two (2) Year term


President - Angelo Cianfrocco

Vice President - Alicia Mateo



Doreen Mezzacappa

Linda Rasmussen

Jamie Cooperider

Michael Greene

Anne Pfister

Kevin Summers


  • Tournament Winners

  • Scholarship Recipients

  • Hall of Fame

  • Memorial Tribute - Dave Asquith

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