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The Space Coast USBC Bowling Association, Inc. the governing body for sanctioned bowling in Brevard County, FL and are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Our goal is to reach out to as many individuals as possible to have them fall in love with the game of bowling. There is no better way to spend time with family and friends. May it be league bowling or tournaments.

We have fundraisers during the tournaments and during the bowling season.​The fundraisers help support our Youth Scholarship Program and Awards Program for adults and youth. For the youth scholarship program, we present a minimum of three (3) $1,000.00 scholarships per year. So far, we have given out 31 scholarships since 2001 to well-deserved high school graduating seniors.


For all our tournaments we collect an average of about $5.00 per bowler for administrative costs and about $15.00 per bowler towards the prize fund, with current participation averaging seventy-five to one hundred fifty bowlers per tournament it’s not that much to put towards 1st place trophies, prize fund payouts and other things.


This is where we are hoping you will come in. Would you have any product samples, coupons, gift cards, etc. that you would like us to hand out to the estimated seventy-five to one hundred fifty participants? Would you be willing to give a monetary donation? Doing any of these things would be another avenue for you to share your products/services and good name. Giving positive advertising for your company through their smiles. Those smiles will automatically turn into sales for you!

We have different sponsor packages that your business might be interested in.

Sponsor Packages - Click Here


Space Coast USBC Board Member Application - Click Here

Auxiliary / Volunteer Application - Click Here



Michael T Demchak Scholarship

Lola Spurgeon Scholarship

Dave Asquith Scholarship

New Application
Click Here

NOTE: Linda Asquith donated $1,000 to the association in Dave Asquith's name as another scholarship to be given out.
Deadline: April 1, 2025




Space Coast USBC - Adult Hall of Fame
Application - Click Here

Space Coast USBC - Youth Hall of Fame
Application - Click Here

Space Coast USBC - Legacy 
Application - Click Here



Local Association Bylaws

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