Serving the bowlers on the
Space Coast (Brevard County)

The Board of Directors of the Space Coast BA is offering a $1,000 each Scholarship to a graduating student in East Central Florida. The recipient must meet the following requirements.
1) Graduating Senior from a High School in East Central Florida
2) Be one of the following:
A member of the Space Coast BA; or
The child/relative of a current member of the Space Coast BA
3) Rank in the top 50% of his or her class or hold an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher.
Changed from APRIL 15, 2020 to May 15, 2020
Health First Holmes Regional Medical Center & Palm Bay Hospital Auxiliary Scholarship Application
Each year, the Holmes Regional Medical Center / Palm Bay Hospital Auxiliary offers students interested in entering the health care field during the summer and fall semesters an opportunity to obtain a $1,000 scholarship to assist them in these programs.
Scholarships are open to students applying any accredited school located in the State of Florida. The need for health care professionals remains great and it is hoped that this program will encourage students to consider this option. 10 scholarships will be offered this year.
Application Deadline is March 20, 2020
Application and eligibility requirements Click Here
Brevard Schools Foundation
Brevard Schools Foundation has awarded more than 902 scholarships to graduating seniors valued at $773,174.
Designating a scholarship allows members of the community to invest in talent from our local area, support student career goals and help our children succeed.
For information on how you can Invest in Young Minds through a scholarship or to volunteer to help score applications, contact Linda at filippini.linda@brevardschools.org or call 321.633.1000 ext. 11756
On-line applications for Brevard Schools Foundation 2020 scholarship opportunities for Brevard Public School graduating seniors will open on Monday, January 27.
To access the application website CLICK HERE.
Applications will close Sunday, March 8, and must be submitted through the website.
Florida State USBC Youth Scholarship
The Florida State USBC typically gives out eight to fifteen $1,000.00 scholarships each year. How great it would be if a youth bowler from your association center could receive one of these scholarships?
Eligibility Rules
Any graduating High School Senior Student, College Student, or Trade or Technical Student, providing his or her amateur standing is maintained, is eligible to complete an application for this scholarship. Students may receive this scholarship only two (2) times.
Students must meet the following requirements:
(a) USBC Youth bowlers have not reached their 20th birthday as of August 1st of the current season and have maintained compliance with USBC Youth Rule 400. File an application furnished by the FSUSBC Scholarship Committee.
All information must be complete and returned to the Chairman of the Scholarship Committee of the FSUSBCY, Inc. before May 1st, 2020.
(b) Maintain a legal residence in the State of Florida;
(c) Is a participating member of a youth/collegiate bowling league certified in the State of Florida by USBC and be in good standing for the current season.
(d) Include a copy of a current Official school transcript(s) with the application. (A report card is not an Official school transcript.)
If you meet the requirements, click here to obtain the Scholarship Form and instructions/checklist.
J.J. Garrett Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship will is awarded to a USBC Youth/Collegiate sanctioned bowler who best exemplifies Mr. Garrett’s love of the game. J. J. believed if bowling wasn’t promoted at a young age, the sport would die.
We want to recognize a young bowler who not only participates but also helps to improve our sport. This bowler may be nominated by a coach, center owner/manager, parent, another bowler or by the bowler themselves. The bowler must be actively coaching, volunteering, and/or assisting in the promotion of bowling.
They must be in good standing with their association and show sportsmanlike conduct at all times. This scholarship will be awarded based solely on the above criteria. Detailed volunteer information is crucial to this application. Nomination, reference, and/or personal letters will also be considered.
Return all completed documents and all parts of application to FSUSBC J. J. Garrett Memorial Scholarship Committee post-marked no later than May 1, 2020.
To obtain further instructions and copy of the award form, click here.
Other Scholarship opportunities
Click here for the listing. Note the deadlines for these applications.